URL: https://v1.desy.de/site_www-desy/content/about_desy/lead_scientists/simone_techert/index_eng.html
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Simone Techert
Structural dynamics with ultra-short pulsed X-rays
Simone Techert is Leading Scientist in the group “Chemical Structural Dynamics” at DESY and professor for ultra-short pulsed X-rays physics at the University of Göttingen within the network of the “Göttingen Research Campus”. She develops methods for time-resolved X-ray experiments and their applications and optimisation for analysis of chemical molecular processes and of structural dynamic and relations in chemical reactions (“filming” chemical reactions in real time). Her research objective is a broader understanding of energy transformation processes within the investigated complex chemical systems and how these influence the motion of the molecules.
The group performs their experiments with highly brilliant X-ray radiation sources like PETRA (DESY), ESRF (Grenoble) or APS (Argonne National Laboratory). Within various collaborations the X-ray experiments at the edge of technology of possible time resolution (femtoseconds) are proceeded at the Free Electron Laser FLASH (DESY) or the LCLS (SLAC). The results are supplemented by additional measurements at home sources (optical ultra-short time spectroscopy as well as pulsed X-ray table-top sources).
Academic career
Since 2013 | Leading Scientist at DESY and Professor for Ultrafast X-ray Physics at Göttingen University / Göttingen Research Campus |
2006-2012 | Minerva Professorship at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen |
Since 2008 | Lecturer at the International Research School of Molecular Biophysics, Göttingen Research Campus |
2004 | Venia legendi in Physical Chemistry, Göttingen University |
2001-2005 | Emmy Noether fellow of the German Science Foundation and group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen |
1998 | Exchange scientist at the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, USA |
1997-2000 | Postdoctoral fellow at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France |
1995-1997 | PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry at the Göttingen University |
1994 | Diploma in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) at Giessen University |
1988-1993 | Study of Chemistry at Giessen University |
2011-2013 | Member of the "FXE-ART review panel" of the European XFEL |
2009-2012 | Co-Chair of the "Photon Science Committee of the German Synchrotron Radiation Facility at DESY" |
2009-2012 | Member of the "Beamtime allocation panel of the Swiss Light Source SLS", Villingen, Switzerland |
Since 2008 | Member of the "Courant Research Center for Nanoscale Photonic Imaging", Georg August University, Göttingen |
2006-2011 | Member of the "Advanced Study Group of the Max Planck Society for Free- Electron Laser Research" |
2006-2012 | Member of the "Photon Science Committee”, DESY |
2002-2008 | Co-author of the Technical Design Report of the European free-electron laser XFEL |
Member of four appointments committees | |
International advisory boards: Foundation and the EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Dutch Science Foundation, Hungarian Science Foundation Slowakic Science Foundation European Science Foundation Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, US Dept. of Energy |