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Huirong Yan
Plasma Astrophysics
Huirong Yan is leading the plasma astrophysics group in Uni Potsdam and DESY. Her research activities are in the area of plasma astrophysics and cosmic ray physics. Her major research is to study the fundamental plasma processes governing the cosmic ray physics and high energy astrophysics. She is also doing research concerning interstellar medium and space plasma. In addition, she and her group have been also developing various diagnostics for interstellar magnetic field and turbulence.
Academic career
Since 2015
Leading Scientist at DESY and Professor (W3) at University of Potsdam
Professor, Kavli Institute of of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, China
Arizona Prize Fellow, University of Arizona, USA
Postdoctoral Fellow, CITA, Toronto, Canada
PhD from Uni Wisconsin-Madison, USA