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Christophe Grojean
Theoretical particle physics
Christophe Grojean is a member of the DESY theory group. He started his research work in theoretical high energy physics at the French research organisation CEA in Saclay and got his PhD from Orsay University in 1999. After two years at the University of California in Berkeley he returned to Saclay, followed by a visiting professorship at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and a seven-year employment at CERN. In autumn 2012, he joined the Institut de Física d’Altes Energies at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as an ICREA Research Professor. Christophe Grojean has worked on various topics in particle physics beyond the Standard Model. He is a specialist in the physics and the dynamics of the Higgs boson and its possible various incarnations, based on different theories behind, respectively. In his new position he is working in close contact with experimentalists to establish the profile of this new particle. He is also involved in various working groups to define the physics case of the next colliders after the LHC.
Academic career
2012-2014 | ICREA Research Professor, IFAE, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
2006-2012 | Staff scientist, CERN Physics Department, theory unit, Geneva |
2006 | CERN fellow, CERN Physics Department, theory unit, Geneva |
2003-2004 | Visiting professor, Michigan Center for Theoretical Physical, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
2001-2011 | Staff member at Service de Physique Théorique, CEA Saclay. On leave at CERN from January 2006 to October 2011. |
1999-2001 | Postdoctoral fellow, University of California, Berkeley |
1995-1999 | Ph.D. thesis, University Paris XI Orsay. Supervisor: Carlos A. Savoy |
1997-1998 | French National Service, CEA, Bruyères–le–Châtel |
1992-1995 | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Bachelor in Physics (June 93), Bachelor in Mathematics (June 94), Master Degree in Physics (June 94), DEA in theoretical physics (June 95), Magistère in Physics (July 95). |
French Physical Society
European Physical Society