in experimenteller Teilchenphysik
Das Programm
Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler der experimentellen Teilchenphysik können sich an den LHC-Experimenten ATLAS und CMS, dem BELLE II-Experiment am KEK, dem ALPS II-Experiment bei DESY, an der Vorbereitung von Experimenten an dem zukünftigen Internationalen Linearcollider ILC und an der Forschung und Entwicklung neuer Teilchendetektoren beteiligen. Forschergruppen sind außerdem in der Beschleunigerentwicklung, z.B. für den ILC oder auch auf dem Gebiet der Plasma-Wakefield-Beschleunigung aktiv. Die experimentellen Aktivitäten für die Detektoren und deren Umbauten und Upgrades finden überwiegend am Standort Hamburg statt, wo neben Laboren und anderen Infrastrukturen auch ein Testbeam betrieben wird. Die experimentellen Tätigkeiten werden ergänzt durch Analyseaktivtäten, bei denen die großen lokalen Rechnerressourcen, wie z.B. das Tier2-Zentrum und die National Analysis Facility genutzt werden.
DESY-Fellowships in experimenteller Teilchenphysik werden für eine Dauer von zwei Jahren vergeben, wobei die Möglichkeit besteht, diese für ein weiteres Jahr zu verlängern. Die Stellen werden gemäß dem Tarif des öffentlichen Dienstes vergütet.
Die Bewerbung
DESY-Fellowships in experimenteller Teilchenphysik werden zweimal im Jahr ausgewählt. Interessenten, die kürzlich promoviert haben, werden gebeten, ihre Bewerbung einschließlich dem wissenschaftlichen Werdegang und den üblichen Unterlagen (Motivationsschreiben, Forschungsinteresse, Lebenslauf, Publikationsliste, Kopien der Universitätsabschlüsse, drei Referenzschreiben) bis zum 31. März bzw. 30. September über unser Karriereportal einzusenden.
Das Referenzschreiben
Zusätzlich wird um drei Referenzgutachten gebeten. Der/die Antragstellende hat dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass alle drei Gutachten bei DESY rechtzeitig vor Ablauf der Frist eingegangen sind.
▸ Bitte leiten Sie an Ihre/n Referenzgutachter/innen die Job-ID und Ihre E-Mailadresse mit der Sie sich beworben haben weiter. Die Gutachten unter Angabe der obigen Job-ID und E-Mailadresse werden später dem eingereichten Antrag zugeordnet.
▸ Bitte leiten Sie auch unseren „Fragenkatalog für Referenzgutachter/innen an die drei von Ihnen ausgewählten Referenzgutachter/innen weiter und bitten Sie diese, ihre Stellungnahme direkt über den folgenden Link hochzuladen.
FAQ to the DESY fellowship programme in experimental particle physics
Application conditions
Who can apply for the DESY fellowship programme in experimental particle physics?
You can apply for the DESY fellowship programme, if you have completed your Ph.D. To be eligible, you have to take up the position at the latest 5 years after your doctorate.
You can also apply for the DESY fellowship programme, if your PhD thesis has been just submitted and an appointment for your thesis defense has been set up. But in this case you can be officially employed only after the doctorate procedure has been successfully completed (PhD certificate might be submitted as soon as possible thereafter).
When can I apply?
Applications will be reviewed twice a year; the deadlines for the submission of applications are 31 March and 30 September.
Which application documents should I submit?
Cover letter with a short research resume
Curriculum vitae
List of publications
Copies of university degrees
Please arrange three letters of recommendation, which are supposed to be sent together with application documents
Where and how should I send my application?
All your documents have to be sent to the DESY HR department via our career portal.
What is the selection process timescale?
The selection process starts shortly after the application deadline and it takes two months to evaluate all applications, conduct interviews and to make a decision. Approximately 2 months after the application deadline, all candidates selected by the review panel will receive notification of their placement.
We would appreciate an early response indicating starting date from the selected candidate (The start date should be within the next 6 months).
Once all administrative issues concerning the fellow contract and terms of employment for the successful applicant have been treated (and it takes a further month) the selected fellow can start to work at DESY. Thus, the earliest start date is approximately one month and the latest start date is 6 after the notification of placement.
All other applicants will be notified that they were unsuccessful within 4 months after the deadline.
Do I need to know German in order to apply?
No, you can apply in English
Working conditions
Location of the DESY fellowship
Your based location is DESY either in Hamburg or in Zeuthen, but if in the frame of your researching project some business trips are required, such as to CERN, they will be permitted.
Duration of the DESY fellowship programme
DESY Fellowships are awarded for duration of two years with a possibility of a prolongation by one additional year.
What yearly gross income can I expect as a DESY fellow?
The salary for the fellowship is according to tariffs applicable for the public segment. Classification in the payment system is based upon qualifications; the default assumption is pay group E13/III of the relevant collective wage agreement "TV-AVH". The gross salary in this case is 4.911,44 Euros, which is paid 12,6 times a year. Applicants with more than 3 years of relevant professional experience after their Ph.D. will be paid according to the pay group E13/IV ( 5.329,90 €). However, deductions for tax, health insurance etc. have to be done in frame of German regulations and depend on your personal status (single, married, children, etc.)
When can I start at DESY?
You can start to work within 6 months after notification of placement from DESY. We would appreciate your early response indicating starting date.
Will I be allowed to choose a particular group to work with?
Yes, during the first two weeks you can choose your favorite researching project, and a particular group among the HEP activities of DESY. The final decision will be taken in consultation with the research director.
Will my travel expenses to workshops, conferences etc. be reimbursed by DESY?
In case of approved business trips, travel expenses to workshops or to conferences will be reimbursed by DESY.
Is there any teaching obligation to be done during the DESY fellowship?
There are no teaching obligations
Can I re-apply after being rejected?
Yes, if you still meet all of the application requirements.
Whom should I contact in case of any other questions?
Visa and residence permit for Germany