URL: https://v1.desy.de/site_www-desy/content/career/apprenticeship/library/aufgabenuebersichtsplan_v1_20220131_eng.html/@@siteview
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Media and information services specialist (f/m)
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Media and information services specialist (f/m)
Media and information services personnel specialised in the library field work as clerical-grade employees in public and scientific libraries and also in specialised libraries. They participate in the implementation and maintenance of library collections. In the user service area they counsel users and provide media and information.
Start of training: | 1 August | |
Training period: | Training period | |
School leaving qualification: | secondary school certificate or higher degree | |
Location: | Hamburg |
- On-the-job training in the central library and documentation divisions
- Vocational school classes two days per week
- Internships in other subject areas and libraries
- Procurement, purchasing, registration and exploitation of media, information and data
- Search in databases
- Information, counselling and support of customers and users
- Organisation and administration of collections
- Management of lending, return, reminders and reservation of media
- Acquisition of media for users through the interlibrary loan service