URL: https://v1.desy.de/site_www-desy/content/information__services/project_funding/index_eng.html
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Project funding
Project funding
Support for your third-party funding application
Scientists at DESY have access to a comprehensive range of support services for the acquisition of third-party funding.
Please get in touch with the relevant contact persons directly to obtain information on current funding opportunities and application procedures.
Funding by the European Union
The EU Project Office (EUP) supports DESY scientists in the following programs
Horizon Europe
- ERC Grants
- Research infrastructure funding
- Innovation funding (EIC)
- Collaborative projects on global challenges
- Marie Skłodowska Curie programs
Digital Europe
Counseling: Annika Thies (Head), Susanne Hummel and Petra Ullmann
- You are welcome to write to our mailbox eu-proposals@desy.de
- You can find more information at https://eu.desy.de/
National funding authorities
The national funding management of the Directorate (DIB) supports scientists with applications for the following funding authorities:
German Research Foundation (DFG)
- Individual projects
- Junior research groups
- Collaborative projects
- Research Training Groups etc.
Federal ministries (e.g. BMBF)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Various foundations
State programs
Counseling: Susanne Bliestle
Funding by Helmholtz Association and DESY
Funding for transfer-related topics
The Innovation and Technology Transfer department (ITT) is responsible for advising on research and innovation projects with industry involvement and transfer character. ITT also assists with industrial cooperations.
Helmholtz Innovation Platform Hi-Acts
HGF transfer projects (e.g. IVF)
DESY Generator Program (DGP)
Advice on exploitation plans for applications to:
Counseling: Robina Geupel, Daniel Romaker
- You can find more information here.
Further contact persons
Dr. Natalia Potylitsina-Kube is the direct contact person for third-party funding applications in Particle Physics (FH).
For project management organizations of all kinds in the field of sustainability, please contact Kathrin Schulz from the Sustainability Office (D6).
Administrative support from Finance and Accounting (e.g. for BMBF applications) is provided by the V3 Project Funding Administrator (V3-PA) under the direction of Cordelia Schlund.
The V5 legal department is the central point of contact for all legal advice and contract management.
Further links
Please note that certain information below is not available in English. If one of the folllowing funding programmes would be of interest to you anyway, please mention it when contacting us. Thank you very much.
- EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation
- Aktuelle Bekanntmachungen von förderprogrammen und Förderrichtlinien des BMBF
- Forschungsförderung bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Projektförderung des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdiensts (DAAD)
- Aktuelle Ausschreibungen für Förderprogramme und wissenschaftliche Preise, die über die Geschäftsstelle der Helmholtz Gemeinschaft koordiniert werden
- Impuls- und Vernetzungsfond (IVF)
- DESY-Projektträger
- DESY-Preismanagement
- Förderinitiativensuche Projektträger Jülich (PtJ)
- Aufträge des VDI/VDE-IT als Projektträger