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Gerhard Grübel
Structural Research with Coherent X-ray Radiation
Gerhard Grübel is Professor at the University of Hamburg and heads the research group at DESY that works on coherent X-ray scattering. The group investigates the structure and dynamic of complex and molecular fluids as well as magnetic materials with coherent X-ray from storage ring sources and free-electron lasers. Grübel co-developed the new coherent based scattering methods XCCA (X-ray Cross Correlation Analysis) and XPCS (X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy). For the latter he was honoured with the "Arthur H. Compton Award" of the Advanced Photon Source APS at Argonne Laboratory (USA) in 2009. For XPCS measurements at free-electron lasers the group has developed a new X-ray auto correlator. The group investigates rapid demagnetisation processes with pump-probe methods and soft X-ray radiation from free-electron lasers (FLASH, LCLS and FERMI) on magnetic material. Moreover, Gerhard Grübel is part of the excellence cluster CUI (The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging) and he is active in the collaborative research centre SFB 925 (Light Inducted Dynamics and Control of Correlated Quantum Systems). He is member of various scientific committees and co-editor of the scientific magazine Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.
Academic career
Since 2011 | Professor at the University of Hamburg |
Since 2003 | Leading Scientist at DESY and head of the Coherent X-ray Scattering group (FS-CXS) |
2003-2004 | Head of Soft Condensed Matter group at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France |
1991-2003 | Scientist and Beamline-Responsible at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France |
1988-1991 | Scientist in the Physics Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York, USA |
1987 | PhD at the University of Konstanz |
1982 | Diploma in Physics at the University of Konstanz |